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This page describes 5 types of injuries, which can be simulated with the Really Needy HUD.


Your Really Needy HUD must be v2 and up, and you will need to have an INJURIES add-on (optional for Lifestyle Edition and included for RPG Edition).

Injuries add-on main ad.jpg
Injuries add-on


  • Depending on the distance of the shooter, and firepower of the gun, Health damage range from minor to life-threatening.

  • Blood splatter will appear on ground or on wall behind avatar automatically.

  • Compatible firearms include guns sold by SAC, Okari, Silver Hawk Company and The Really Useful Scripts Corner.

  • Gunshot wounds automatically appear on your BOM-compatible mesh body with layers created by top cosmetics brand Izzie's.



  • Blast injuries result from explosions, which can cause Health damage to multiple individuals within the blast radius

  • Damage is inversely proportional to the distance to the centre of blast.

  • FRAGMENTATION damage may cause blood splatter on different body parts while SHOCK damage may cause body bruises.



  • Gunshot injuries and fragmentation damage from explosives will result in secondary Health damage from bleeding.

  • Treatment by medically-trained personnel or first aid (sold in supermarket) is required to stop bleeding.



  • Depending on distance and how big is the fire, your avatar will suffer first degree, second degree or
    third degree burns, which will result in Health damage



  • Depending on the height which your avatar fell from, Health damage will be incurred


More details on each type of injury can be found below.

HD logo.jpg

Explosion Injuries


  • Blast injuries result from explosions, which can cause Health damage to multiple individuals within the blast radius

  • Damage can be categorised into 3 types:

  1. Shock damage;

  2. Heat damage;

  3. Fragmentation damage

  • Depending on the type of explosive, one or more types of damage may apply

  • Damage is inversely proportional to the distance between the victim and the centre of blast

  • Fragmentation damage causes blood splatter on different body parts (layers sold as part of Really Dangerous Explosives Pack)

  • Shock damage may cause body bruises (layers sold separately by Izzie's)


Really Dangerous Explosives Pack v3.jpg



  • There are 10 types of industrial explosives included in the pack, with varying blast ranges and specifications for Shock / Heat / Fragmentation damage, as shown in the table below.


  • The Stability factor of the explosive can be reduced by impact (collision by physical object / avatar, or being shot by a firearm) or being extreme heat (proximity to extreme heat). If the Stability reaches zero, an explosion will result.


  • Specifications for each explosive can be changed by editing a configuration card inside the object. For example, the card inside the "Explosive Barrel (Shock)" contains these lines: 




The values for the Stability, Blast Radius, Shock Damage, Heat Damage and Frag Damage can be modified. Save the notecard to effect the change.


DISPLAY 1 will display the current Stability factor as floating text. DISPLAY 0 will turn off the floating text display. 



Industrial explosives.jpg
Industrial explosives table.jpg



  • The different types of IEDs have varying blast ranges and specifications for Shock / Heat / Fragmentation damage, as shown in the table below. IEDs do not have a Stability factor as they are usually detonated through a specific way eg. countdown timer, remote detonator. However, they can be detonated if shot by a firearm. 


  • Modifiable detonation scripts are included so that you can tailor the IEDs for your roleplay situation. For example, the disarm code for the C4 bomb is 78449 but you can change that by modifying the script. 


  • The Molotov cocktail comes in both Copy version and Transfer version. Copy version comes in a thrower which you can wear to simulate throwing the bottle by clicking left mouse-button. Click the thrower to switch between First Person Mode / Third Person Mode. In First Person Mode, you need to go into Mouselook to be able to aim and throw. The thrower will be auto-detached after the object is "thrown" to be more realistic.

  • Specifications for each explosive can be changed by editing a configuration card inside the object. For example, the card inside the "Pipe bomb" contains these lines: 




The values for the Blast Radius, Shock Damage, Heat Damage and Frag Damage can be modified. Save the notecard to effect the change.



Improvised explosive devices.jpg
IED table.jpg



  • There are 6 types of military explosives included in the pack, with varying blast ranges and specifications for Shock / Heat / Fragmentation damage. Copy version and Transfer version are included. Transfer version are denoted by (T) in the table. 


  • All the Copy versions of the grenades except the Smoke Grenades come in a thrower which you can wear to simulate throwing the grenade by clicking left mouse-button.  Click the thrower to switch between First Person Mode / Third Person Mode. The thrower will be auto-detached after the object is "thrown" to be more realistic.


  • Specifications for each explosive can be changed by editing a configuration card inside the object.


  • Stun Grenade does not cause any damage, but simulates producing blinding light and loud sound that causes temporary deafness and disorientation


  • Smoke Grenade does not cause any damage, but is used for signalling. Smoke colour comes in 5 variations: White, Red, Yellow, Green, Violet




Military explosive devices.jpg
Military explosives table.jpg

Firearm injuries

The standard firearm specifications are described below. To book your firearm, talk to the sim-owner first about your roleplay reason for having a firearm, then contact me in-world or click the Book Now button below to send me an email. If you are a sim-owner and would like to have a custom firearm made available to roleplayers in your sim, please contact me.



For roleplay purposes, the gun will not hit a target outside of this range (distance from the shooter).



Primary health damage from the firearm depends depends on the firepower ("base damage") of the weapon and distance at which the victim has been shot. The damage calculation is as follows:

  • Distance of less than 5m: 4d10 + (base damage x 2)

  • Distance of 5m to 15m : 4d10 + base damage

  • Distance of more than 15m: base damage

4d10 refers to the equivalent of rolling four 10-sided dice.

Aside from primary damage, there is secondary damage from bleeding, explained further below in the Bleeding section.





Land impact: 3

(none if worn)

Accurate range: 25m

Base Damage: 20%

Cartridge: .38 Special

Action: Single-action revolver

Muzzle velocity: 1000 fps

Feed system: 6 shot cylinder

The Colt .38 or "Army Special" is a single-action revolver with a revolving cylinder holding six metallic cartridges.




Land impact: 1

(none if worn)

Accurate range: 30m
Base Damage: 25%

Cartridge: .45 ACP

Action: Blowback, blish Lock

Muzzle velocity: 935 fps

Feed system: 50 round drum magazine

Invented in 1918, the Thompson Submachine Gun, also known also as the "Tommy Gun", "Annihilator", "Chicago Typewriter", "Drum Gun", "The Chopper", or simply "The Thompson", this America-made gun has gained popularity with both law enforcement officers and mobsters alike.




Land impact: 16

(none if worn)

Accurate range: 20m
Base Damage: 20%

Cartridge: .380ACP/9x17mm Corto

Action: Blow back

Muzzle velocity: 750 fps

Feed system: 7+ 1-round box magazine

The Beretta Model 1934 is a compact, semi-automatic pistol which was issued as a standard service firearm to the Italian armed forces.


M24R SMG.png


Land impact: 47

(none if worn)

Accurate range: 50m
Base Damage: 35%

Cartridge: .45 ACP

Action: Blowback, open bolt

Muzzle velocity: 1220 fps

Feed system: 30 round box

The M24R Sub-Machine Gun is a highly concealable Sub Compact Weapon system capable of engaging threat personnel with a high volume of lethal force while accurately firing at close range with minimal collateral damage.






Land impact: 13

(none if worn)

Accurate range: 20m
Base Damage: 30%

Cartridge: 12-gauge

Action: Pump action

Muzzle velocity: 1200

Feed system: 5 round tubular magazine

The Winchester M98 trench gun is a pump-action shotgun with an external hammer and tube magazine, used by American soldiers, police, and hunters.




Land impact: 4

(none if worn)

Accurate range: 100m
Base Damage: 40%

Cartridge: 5×23mm M443 Full Metal Jacket

Action: Gas-operating, rotating breech

Muzzle velocity: 1400 fps

Feed system: 50 round drum magazine

The M7S Sub-Machine Gun is a personal defense weapon issued to the UNSC Armed Forces. The M7S is fitted with a smart-linked scope to assist target acquisition; the barrel is integrated with a muzzle flash suppressor and sound suppressor which makes it suitable for stealth operations.


Beretta pistol ad.jpg
Colt Revolver ad.jpg
UNSC M7S SMG_darkbg.jpg


All firearms are no copy, yes transfer.

If your firearm is no modify, your purchase includes 1 free fitting (to adjust the size of the weapon to your avatar's hand).


To engrave some words on the weapon (eg. put your name on the texture of the gun), there is a 200L fee.



  • Guns from the following weapon makers will also inflict Health damage. (Injuries add-on v2.6 and above required)

    • SAC (SSOC Armament Co.)

    • Okari

    • Silver Hawk Company

  • If you are a gun manufacturer or weapon maker, and would like to make your weapons compatible with Really Needy HUD, please contact me.



The Injuries add-on uses RLV functionality to automatically activate gunshot wound system layers/BOM layers created by top cosmetics brand Izzie's for your avatar body, depending on which body part your avatar was shot.


There are 7 separate gunshot wound layers

  • head/face

  • chest

  • back

  • left pelvis

  • right pelvis

  • left leg

  • right leg



Instructions to setup the RLV folders can be found on the Skin Effects Setup page.

Gunshot wounds second main ad.jpg


Gunshot victims will continue to bleed and receive secondary damage over a period of time, until they receive first aid or medical aid.


Generally, the Health meter will drop by 20% to simulate bleeding,

  • for every 15 min, if shot at close range (a few meters)

  • for every 30 min, if shot at medium range

  • for every 45 min, if shot at further than 15m


The bleeding can be stopped with the use of any of the following items for treatment.

(Or if you buy the script to put into your own items).




Stop bleeding

This item can be put in locations such as clinics, dispensaries, sick bays, or given to the town doctor. One use of First Aid by the injured party will stop the bleeding. (Note: To restore Health, use Paramedic Kit / Bag or your own item enabled with [TREAT] script.)


Restore health

Bleeding will also be stopped if the Paramedic Kit is used to restore Health to 100%. Owner can self-treat, or may require a second sitter (medic) depending on how owner has configured the Kit.


Medical aid

Bleeding will also be stopped if the Paramedic Bag is used to restore Health to 100%. May require 2 users (1 medic and 1 patient) depending on how owner has configured the Bag.

If you are roleplaying as medical personnel you may request for complimentary supply of first aid, if your sim-owner / parcel-owner agrees to list your medical institution in a directory in my in-world store and website.



Exposure to fire cause burn injuries.


The amount of health damage sustained depends on the size of the fire and distance between the victim and the heat source (usually the centre of the fire). Based on these two factors, a heat factor is derived.



  • The INJURIES add-on is compatible with mesh fire by [HD Emergency] to simulate burns.

  • Mesh fire by [HD Emergency] with Copy perms is included in the purchase of INJURIES add-on.

  • The INJURIES add-on uses a sensor every 5 seconds to automatically
    - detect fires within 6m of the REALLY NEEDY HUD
    - detect the size of the fire and distance to the HUD wearer


To minimise usage of sim resources you may wish to turn off the fire-detection sensor using the chat command "/burnoff" when not roleplaying fire scenes. Say "/burnon" to turn on the sensor. The default is on.


Mesh fire with Modify and Copy perms is also available upon request with purchase of the INJURY add-on.

HD logo.jpg

Falling from heights


Falling from a height may cause internal and external injuries.


The amount of health damage sustained depends on the height fallen.

The table below is a guide; it is possible that your avatar sustains lesser damage than shown. (Take it as luck?)

Folding Sign

​The INJURY add-on uses a sensor every half-second to automatically detect when the avatar has fallen from a height.


To minimise usage of sim resources you may wish to turn off the fall-detection sensor using the chat command "/falloff" when not roleplaying scenes involving falling from a height. Say "/fallon" to turn on the sensor. The default is off.


Ideas, suggestions and feedback

Idea 2
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