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A game in the virtual world of Second Life where your avatar can

  • grow crops and rear animals for a self-sustaining lifestyle;

  • unlock new abilities by gaining Farming Experience Points and levelling up;

  • compete for a spot on the Farming Leaderboard;

  • sell what your avatar produces on the farm to others;

.. all while creating your dream farm!


For the video tutorial on
rearing animals, please
click here to jump below



  • Types of crops - 0:06

  • Tilling - 1:02

  • Planting seeds - 1:48

  • Watering Can - 2:17

  • Refilling watering can (SL sea) - 2:46

  • Refilling watering can (Tap) - 3:11

  • Weeding using a trowel - 3:44

  • Weeding using a hoe - 4:48

  • Fixing the fence - 5:29

  • Fertiliser - 6:35

  • Garden hose - 7:21

  • Sprinkler - 7:38

  • Harvesting - 8:27

  • Harvested produce - 8:54

Crop Agriculture



To get started on Needy Farming, you need:

  1. Really Needy Farming HUD

  2. Basic farming tools

    • Rake

    • Watering Can

    • Garden Trowel

  3. Either a Dirt Row or Soil Plot

  4. Seeds





  1. Rez a soil patch on your land.

  2. Till your soil with a rake, if required.

  3. Plant seeds for the type of crop you would like to grow.

  4. Make sure your soil patch’s Growth mode is ON.

  5. Water your soil patch on a regular (daily) basis.

  6. Harvest the crop when it is ready.


Soil Patch


Types of soil patches

There are two sizes you can choose from, for the soil patch to grow your crops.

  • Really Useful Dirt Row

    • can grow up to 3 plant units (at the same time) at level 0

    • does not need to be tilled before planting seeds

    • land impact of 1

  • Really Useful Soil Plot

    • can grow up to 8 plant units (at the same time) at level 0

    • needs to be tilled before planting seeds

    • land impact of 6

    • weeds spawned will have additional 3 land impact

    • two types available

      • The first type can be set to Difficulty of Beginner or Intermediate. It cannot be changed to Advanced.

      • The second type is set to Difficulty of Advanced only and cannot be changed to Beginner or Intermediate

  • The maximum plant units will increase as your avatar increases in Farming level

After rezzing the soil patch, click on the soil and hold down the mouse button until the SETTINGS menu pops-up.

Settings Menu
The two most important buttons for a start are Growth and Difficulty.

  • Growth – this toggles Growth mode to be ON or OFF. When it is OFF, your plants will not grow and other things will not happen as well. You can turn it off when you are going to be absent from SL for a while.

  • Difficulty – choose from BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED. Here are some basic differences.

    • Beginner

      • Plants will stop growing but will not die if there is insufficient soil moisture

      • No weeds risk

      • No Farming experience points (Farming XP) will be awarded

    • Intermediate

      • Plants can die if there is insufficient / too much soil moisture

      • Risk of weeds

      • 2 Farming XP will be awarded for each crop harvested

    • Advanced

      • Plants can die if there is insufficient / too much soil moisture

      • Risk of weeds

      • Other risks as your avatar advances in level including fence breakdown risk, animal risk, pest risk and crow risk

      • 4 Farming XP will be awarded for each crop harvested



Soil Plot.jpg


Other settings are:

  • Turn – the amount of time which your crops will grow one stage is called a ‘turn’. The default turn is 24 hours when you start the game. As your avatar levels up, there are more options available to reduce the length of time for each turn by using Fertiliser.

  • Moisture – turn on/off the floating text that shows the soil moisture level in %.

  • Name – change the name of your soil patch.

  • Fence - turn fence visible / invisible. (applicable only for Soil Plot for Beginner/Intermediate)

  • Soil fertility - this is a score from 0-100%. 0-19: Barren; 20-39: Low; 40-59: Medium; 60-79: High; 80-99: Very High; 100: Maximum.

    • Fertility decreases as crops mature, and can be increased with the usage of fertilisers.

    • Fertility does not matter if Difficulty is set to Beginner or Intermediate. Fertility is able to affect the duration of the Turn if Difficulty is set to Advanced. Refer to the section below on Turns & Fertilisers for more details.

  • Soil moisture - this is also a score from 0-100%. See section below on Watering Crops.

  • Soil volume - this is the amount of soil in your soil patch in cubic metres. Roughly speaking, it is: length x breadth x height.



You start the game with the ability only to use basic tools - the Rake, Watering Can and Garden Trowel. As you level-up, you will unlock the ability to use more tools. The minimum Farming level required to use each tool is shown below.

Farming Tools


For tilling your Soil Plot before planting seeds.

  • Add/attach the Rake to your avatar, stand on your soil and click on the Rake to start tilling your soil.

  • A Soil Plot only needs to be tilled once every 30 turns before planting seeds.
  • A Dirt Row does not need tilling.

  • Use of the Rake will expend Energy.

  • No land impact when attached.




Level 0


Watering Can.jpg


For watering your Soil Plot or Dirt Row.

  • Add/attach the Watering Can to your avatar, stand on your soil and click on it to start watering your soil. You need to aim for the CENTRE of the Soil Plot or Dirt Row. (Water the soil plot, not the plants).

  • If you run out of water, walk to the edge of a SL sea / lake and click on the Watering Can to refill (see video).

  • You can also install a Water Tap for refilling Watering Can (see video).

  • Use of the Watering Can will expend Energy.

  • No land impact when attached.

Level 0




For removing weeds from your Soil Plot or Dirt Row.

  • Add/attach the Trowel to your avatar, stand parallel to the row of weeds and click on the Trowel to start weeding.

  • Use of the Trowel will expend Energy, and also reduces Hygiene.

  • No land impact when attached.


Level 0


Garden Tap.jpg


For refilling your watering can.

  • Rez the garden tap.

  • Rez the watering can next to your garden tap and it should move into position.

  • Click the garden tap to turn it on. (It will turn off by itself).

  • 3 land impact.



Level 0




For removing weeds from your Soil Plot or Dirt Row, with greater efficiency than the Garden Trowel.

  • Add/attach the Hoe to your avatar, stand parallel to the row of weeds and click on the Hoe to start weeding.

  • Use of the Hoe will expend Energy.

  • No land impact when attached.





Level 1




For repairing the fence of your Soil Plot. Fence wood is required too.

  • Add/attach the Hammer, rez the fence wood near your fence, click and hold on the broken fence until a menu pops-up and press the <Fix> button.

  • Drag the vertical wooden posts to the fence, followed by the horizontal planks to repair.

  • No land impact when attached.




Level 2




For accelerating crop growth, and producing bumper/premium crops (Level 4 and above)

  • Soil patch owner must be minimum level 2.

  • Industrial Fertiliser raises soil fertility by 15% while Organic Fertiliser raises fertility by 30%.

  • Rez and move next to (or on) the soil patch. Say /use in chat and click the bag of fertiliser.

  • Use of fertiliser will reduce Hygiene.

  • 1 land impact.


Level 2




For eradicating all weeds on your soil patch.

  • Soil patch owner must be minimum level 5.

  • Rez and move next to (or on) the soil patch. Say /use in chat and click the bag of Weedkiller.

  • Caution: Causes Health damage if not wearing face mask when using the Weedkiller.

  • Use of Weedkiller will reduce Hygiene.

  • 1 land impact.



Level 5




For watering your Soil Plot or Dirt Row.

  • Soil patch owner must be minimum level 3.

  • Position the Hose to point at the centre of the soil patch. Click on it to turn it on.

  • No Energy will be expended in using the Hose.

  • 3 land impact.



Level 3




For watering your Soil Plot or Dirt Row.

  • Soil patch owner must be minimum level 4.

  • The Sprinkler has a timer you can set to turn it on periodically.

  • No Energy is expended in using the Sprinkler.

  • 2 land impact.


Level 4


Credit: Sprinkler by LikeMeow

quicklime for wix.jpg


For removing moisture from your soil if you over-watered.

  • Soil patch owner must be minimum level 5.

  • Rez and move next to (or on) the soil patch. Say /use in chat and click the Sack of Quicklime.

  • One Sack removes 0.1 cubic metres (100 litres) of water from the soil.

  • Caution: Causes Health damage if not wearing face mask when using the Quicklime.

  • Even when face mask is worn, there is still an additional 35% chance of 2%-10% Health damage.

  • Use of Quicklime will reduce Hygiene.

  • 1 land impact.

Level 5


Level 6




For preventing insect infestation on your crops.

  • Soil patch owner must be minimum level 6.

  • Add/attach the Pesticide to your avatar, stand 1m in front of the crop and click on the Pesticide to spray.

  • No land impact when attached.








For preventing crows from eating your mature crops.

  • Rez the scarecrow and move it near your soil patch.

  • Has an effective range of 10m (distance between the scarecrow and the centre of your soil patch).

  • 2 land impact.



Level 7



The following table shows the minimum level to grow each type of crop, the number of turns from seed to harvest and the plant units it consumes from a soil patch. Produce from the harvested crops can generally be consumed to restore Hunger. Some produce will restore both Hunger and Thirst. Some have special nutritional values (eg. vitamins) that can remedy Pregnancy conditions. Note that Raspberries and Blueberries do not restore any needs but are used for Cooking.

Types of Crops




Min level: 0

# turns to harvest: 5

# plant units: 1



Min level: 0

# turns to harvest: 5

# plant units: 4

blueberry bush wixsite.jpg


Min level: 4

# turns to harvest: 8

# plant units: 2



Min level: 0

# turns to harvest: 5

# plant units: 4



Min level: 1

# turns to harvest: 10

# plant units: 1



Min level: 0

# turns to harvest: 5

# plant units: 4



Min level: 2

# turns to harvest: 6

# plant units: 2



Min level: 0

# turns to harvest: 5

# plant units: 4

Raspberry plant photo_006_cropped wixsite.jpg


Min level: 3

# turns to harvest: 10

# plant units: 2

Credit: Potato plant mesh by LikeMeow




Min level: 3

# turns to harvest: 10

# plant units: 6



Min level: 4

# turns to harvest: 10

# plant units: 6



Min level: 5

# turns to harvest: 10

# plant units: 6



Min level: 6

# turns to harvest: 10

# plant units: 6


  • To plant seeds, rez the Seed object from the folder onto your soil patch. The seed object looks like a glowing sphere or cube to help you to position it.

  • If your avatar is near the seed, the Farming HUD will play a planting animation as well.

  • Bury the seed sphere/cube about half-way into the soil and it should 'vanish' with the message that it is successfully planted. If it does not vanish, use your Edit arrows to move it a little up or down.

  • For every seed planted, your avatar's Hygiene will drop by 10% due to hands and legs getting dirty with soil.

  • If you have the Really Dirty Hands & Legs BOM layers, they will automatically be activated. (See image on the right).

  • If you have planted the seeds, click the soil and hold down the mouse button until the Settings menu pops-up. Then click the Growth button to start the growing phase. (The Growth button is like a start/pause, for example you might want to pause it if logging out, or you will not be in-world for an extended time).


Planting Seeds
Gardening dirt BOM layers

Using Mega Weather Maker to water your soil patches

  • If you own a Really Useful Mega Weather Maker v7, you can also use it for watering your Soil Plots and Dirt Rows.

  • It has the advantage of covering a large area, without needing your avatar to use the Watering Can or Garden Hose on individual soil patches.

  • You can set it to Rain and come back a few hours later.

  • You can even set it to follow the weather of a RL city (using the RL to SL weather converter) for additional realism. Choose a city which rains often.

  • Tropical Rain delivers 4mm of rain per hour, which works out to be ~2.7% of moisture for the Soil Plot and ~3.1% for the Dirt Row.


  • Soil moisture is probably the most important factor for growing your plants. Keep it between 25% and 80%. (Soil moisture percentage is calculated by volume of water divided by volume of soil.)

  • If it is too dry or too wet, the plants will stop growing. (For Intermediate/Advanced, the plant health will be affected and will eventually die if not rectified).

  • The soil moisture evaporation rate is 1 mm per turn for Beginner and Intermediate, and ranges from 1mm to 3mm per turn for Advanced. (1mm translates to about 0.7% for the Soil Plot).

  • For watering the soil, the basic method is to use the Watering Can. The ability to use a Garden Hose will be unlocked at Level 3, and the ability to use a Sprinkler will be unlocked at Level 4. TIP: you should be aiming your Watering Can or Hose to the middle of the soil patch rather than watering the plants.

  • You can also use the Mega Weather Maker v7 for watering soil - see sidebar.

Watering Crops


  • There is a 5% risk of weeds growing in your soil patch each round. This risk is only applicable for Difficulty mode of Intermediate and Advanced only and not applicable for Beginner.

  • If weeds start to grow in your plot, add/attach the Garden Trowel or Hoe to your avatar, stand parallel to the row of weeds, and click on the Trowel to start weeding. (See the video for guidance).

  • If you do nothing, the row of weeds will multiply each turn to become two rows, three rows, up to maximum of four rows. After that, your crops will start to lose health each turn, until they die or the weeds are eradicated.



  • ​The table below shows what are the options for setting the duration of a Turn, by level. (For Advanced difficulty only).

  • By using fertiliser to raise the soil's fertility to above 60%, the duration of a Turn will be reduced to the corresponding figure in the Accelerated Turn column. For example:
    • Thomas is currently level 3, so he has the option to set the Turn on his Advanced Soil Plot to either 24 hours or 12 hours. Thomas chooses to set it to 12 hours.
    • Thomas decides that he wants to plant more crops this weekend. He buys some fertiliser and uses it to increase the soil fertility of his soil plot to 70%. While the soil fertility is above 60%, the Turn is reduced to 6 hours.
  • Fertiliser also affects the chance to harvest premium crops and bumper crops at higher levels. Refer to the wiki for more details.
Turns & Fertiliser
Turn (number of hours)
Accelerated Turn (number of hours)
2 to 4
24, 12
12, 6
5 to 7
24, 12, 10
12, 6, 5
8 to 10
24, 12, 10, 8
12, 6, 5, 4
Page 1 of 1


  • If your crop is ripe, wear your Needy Farming HUD and just click on the plant to harvest it.

  • The harvested produce will be delivered to your inventory. (If your avatar is in a region with the Farming Server, it will be delivered to the Contents of your Needy Farming HUD.)

  • The crop on the soil will delete itself shortly after harvesting.

  • The Farming HUD will track the statistics of the number of crops harvested. It will report the statistics if you click on it.

  • What the harvested items can be used for:

  1. Your avatar can consume it (restore Hunger, Thirst, or eat for some nutritional benefit if you are pregnant etc.)

  2. Your avatar can use it as an ingredient for Cooking (future)

  3. You can sell it to a NPC Vegetable Trader for N-coins

  4. You can sell it for L$ or trade it with another user

  5. You can have it delivered to a container (eg. pantry, storage bin etc.) (future)





Harvested Produce (Click the > arrow in the picture to see more)

Credit: Bowl of Spinach, Bowl of Sorrel, Basket of Lettuce, Crate of Potatoes, Basket of Oranges by LikeMeow


Animal Husbandry

Besides growing crops, your avatar can also rear animals.

It will be dairy farming and poultry farming for a start, but will be expanded to more types of animals over time.

Important Notes:

  1. Days below refer to RL days.

  2. Really Needy Farming HUD v1.1 is required to earn Farming XP.
    If you currently have an older version,  say '/checkupdate2' in chat.

  3. If your Farming HUD is set to Beginner Difficulty mode, you will not earn any Farming XP. Use a soil patch to set Difficulty.

  4. Text in [square brackets] are features which are planned but have not yet been implemented.



  Dairy Cow


If you follow this link to the video on Youtube, the resolution looks better than watching the embedded video on this page.


Each animesh cow has a land impact of 20. Animations include standing idle, looking left/right, shaking head and eating.







  • A dairy cow will need to be fed on a daily basis for 3 days in order to start lactating (ie. produce milk).

  • On the 4th, 5th and 6th day, the cow can be milked if it has been fed for the day.

  • The 6 days form one cycle, after which the cow returns to 'Day 1' and it has to be fed for 3 days before producing milk again.

  • Each milking will produce a bucket of milk (about 6 quarts)

    • Harvested item: Milk Bottle Holder

    • Farming XP awarded: 2

  • Productive lifespan: 7 lactation cycles (21 harvests of milk in total)



  • There are 3 types of cattle feed, sold separately

    • Hay - basic nutrition

    • Silage - moderate nutrition, 5% boost to Mood

    • [Grain - premium nutrition, 10% boost to Mood]

  • How to feed

    1. Rez the Haystack or Silage and move it in front of the cow.

    2. Click the cow and choose "Feed" from the menu.

    3. If it says the cow is hungry, the feed is near enough. Otherwise you need to shift the feed nearer the cow.

    4. Once the feed is near enough, the cow will automatically start eating the feed.

  • If you do not feed the cow for more than a day (to be exact, more than 26 hours after its last feeding time), its Mood will decrease by 10% but it will not die from hunger.

  • After a feed, you have to wait at least 22 hours before feeding it again.


  • If you are not sure if the cow is lactating, click on the cow and choose "Milk" from the menu. It will say the cow is not ready to be milked if you have not fed the cow for the preceding 3 days or not fed the cow on Day 4, 5 or 6.

  • To milk the cow, right-click on it and choose "Sit". Your avatar will automatically sit on a low stool and a bucket will appear below the cow's udders, and your avatar will start to milk the cow.

  • Once the milking is done, the harvested milk will be delivered to your inventory.

  • If the cow's mood is 100% or more, you have a chance of harvesting Premium Milk. The chance is 50% for Levels 1 to 4, and an additional 5% for each Level above 4. After a successful harvest of Premium Milk, the Mood will drop to 95%.


  • You can improve the Mood of the cow by 5% by petting it daily. Petting more than once a day does not have any increased effect.

  • To pet the cow, have you avatar stand close to it. Click the cow and choose "Pet" from the menu.

Milk Bottle Holder can be

  • opened to give 6 Bottles of Milk.

    • each Bottle of Milk (one quart) can be consumed to restore Hunger/Thirst, or

    • used as an ingredient for Cooking (future)

  • sold for N-coins (if unopened) to the NPC Wholesaler

  • sold for L$ or traded with another user


Milk Bottle Holder

grass wix.jpg


Min level: 0

# days to harvest: 4

# plant units: 9

Making hay

Instead of buying hay to feed your cows, you have the option of growing grass yourself to make hay.

  • Buy grass seeds at the store. (They are sold in pack of 12)

  • Plant the grass seeds in a Soil Plot. You need 9 plant units as they take up quite a lot of space.

  • Harvest the grass after 4 days.

  • Harvested item: Haystack

Each animesh hen has a land impact of 20. Animations include standing/pecking, walking, fast-walking, sitting and laying. [Chickens can be rezzed on your land and left alone. Chickens who are old enough become Hens capable of laying eggs.]


  • Hens will produce one egg per day if they are fed.

  • When your avatar collects 6 eggs* from the same Hen, a harvested item will be
    delivered to your inventory.

    • Harvested item: Basket of Eggs*

    • Farming XP awarded: 2

  • Productive lifespan: 120 eggs

* [If your Hen has Mood of 100% or higher when laying the egg, Premium Egg will be laid and Mood will reduce
  to 95%. Six Premium Eggs collected will yield harvested item of "Basket of Premium Eggs".]

Basket of Eggs.jpg

Basket of Eggs


  • Hens only need to be fed once a day to lay eggs. If you do not feed the Hen, it will not die from hunger.

  • Not feeding a Hen for more than 26 hours after the last feed time will decrease Mood by 10%.

  • Feeding a Hen earlier than due time (22 hours from last feed up to 24 hours from last feed) will increase Mood by 10%. It can store the swallowed food in a pouch-like storage area in its esophagus called a crop, to digest it more leisurely later. As such, if you feed it earlier eg. 1 hour earlier than the 24 hour mark, you don't need to feed it again till 25 hours later.

  • If you try to feed it too early (before 22 hours from last feed), it will not be hungry.

  • There are 2 methods of feeding.

    1. Feed by hand

      • Add/attach the "Bag of Chicken Feed" to your avatar

      • Click on the bag and your avatar should play an animation of throwing chicken feed on the ground

      • Hens within 5m will come toward the feed pellets to eat them

    2. [Place chicken feed in a trough, click on the Hen and choose "Feed" from the menu.]

  • Bag of Chicken Feed contains 150 feeds. The feed pellets are temporary and will disappear within a minute or two if not eaten by the chickens; hence no land impact. Credit: mesh bag and 2 bento animations by LikeMeow; script and pellets by Grace7 Ling

Really Nice Chicken Coop_016.jpg

Bag of Chicken Feed

Moving around

  • When you rez the Hen, it will save the rez position in the region as its Home location.

  • There are some options you can access in the menu for your Hen to customise its movement.

    • Wander : the Hen will move around, but generally not further than 10m from its home location. Use this option only if the ground is relatively flat or your Hen might tumble.

    • Stay : this cancels the Wander mode and the Hen will stay in its current position. (It will still move towards chicken feed if it is feeding time!)

    • Go Home : the Hen will be moved to its home location and Wander mode will be turned off.

    • Set Home: saves the current position of the Hen as its home location.

  • If the Hen has stumbled or fallen over, you can give it a helping hand by touching it.

  • If your hen has produced more than 90 eggs (ie. a more mature hen that can't run as fast as a younger hen), there is a 3% chance of it being eaten by a fox if it is not fed (as it wanders around, looking for food). A chicken coop will reduce or eliminate that risk if your hen or chicken is near or inside the coop.

Laying eggs

  • After a Hen finishes feeding, it will start to lay an egg 10 minutes later.

  • If there is a Chicken Coop nearby, it will try to go to one of the unoccupied nestboxes to lay its egg. If there is no coop, it will just lay its egg wherever it is at.

  • The egg laying will take 30 minutes.

Collecting eggs

  • To collect an egg that has been laid, ensure your avatar is wearing the Farming HUD and click on the egg. Collect 6 eggs from the same Hen to make a harvest.

  • If the Farming HUD is not worn when you click the egg, the egg will just vanish and not record that it was collected.

  • If an egg that has been laid is not collected

    • the Hen that laid it will not lay more eggs.

    • the Hen may not move away from the egg (even if Wander mode is on) after laying. (Maternal instincts?)

   Basket of Eggs can be

  • opened to give 6 Eggs

    • each Egg can be taken into inventory or moved to the Really Useful Frying Pan with a click, or

    • used as an ingredient for Cooking (future)

  • sold for N-coins (if unopened) to the NPC Wholesaler

  • sold for L$ or traded with another user

If your avatar is doing serious egg farming and own 3 or more hens, you may like to consider investing in a chicken coop

  • Full mesh with incredible realistic detail at just 10 land impact

  • Two sliding doors, one on each side, which can be open/closed independently, with group access

  • 6 nestboxes for up to 6 hens to lay eggs simultaneously

  • Nestboxes on each side has openable lids to facilitate harvesting of eggs

Credit: Coop design and build by LikeMeow.


  1. Hens that are nearby will come to the coop if they need to lay eggs!

  2. Increases the production lifespan for Hens from 120 eggs to 150 eggs

  3. +5% Mood for Hens who lay their egg in a nestbox

  4. Reduces / eliminates risk of your Hens being eaten by a fox

Really Nice Chicken Coop A

Brought to you by The Really Useful Scripts Corner in partnership with Meow² Making

WARRANTY: If you buy the Coop with Transfer permissions, you can do a 1 to 1 swap with me in case of any malfunctions within a year of purchase. Copy-only permission is available for 3x the price, with no warranty.

Useful tips

  • Rez your Hens outside either of the doors of the Coop, so that they don't wander too far away from the Coop.

  • Feed your Hens near either one of the doors of the Coop, so that it is easy for them to enter the Coop to lay eggs after feeding.
  • To access the Coop's menu, say "/1 menu" or "/1m" in chat. You can use the menu to reserve/clear nestboxes if required. (Normally the occupancy of each nestbox is automatically updated when a Hen goes into one to lay an egg and gets up after laying an egg).

Known issues and fixes

  • Occasionally the wandering script in the Hen encounters a memory ('stack-heap collision') error. When that happens, click on the Hen, and choose Reset from the menu.

  • If you see the warning "Can't enable physics for keyframed objects" it is probably because you moved the hen while it is going up/down the slope in the coop or making its way to the nestbox. Avoid touching or grabbing the Hen while it is walking, to minimise such warnings.

Farming HUD


This is what the Really Needy Farming HUD looks like when your avatar is starting out at Farming Level 0:

To update your Farming HUD if you have an older version, say '/checkupdate2' in chat

Farming HUD level 0.png

Clicking the Arrow icon will cause the HUD to stow-away to the right side of your screen.

Clicking the Farm icon will cause the HUD to provide summary statistics of how many crops you have harvested, and how many Farming Experience Points ("Farming XP") you have.

Clicking the Rake icon, Watering Can icon or Garden Trowel icon will cause your avatar to attach those tools if you have setup the RLV folder correctly. (See below)

When your avatar reaches Level 1, the Trowel icon changes to a Hoe, because the ability to use a Hoe will be unlocked.

Farming HUD level 1.png

When your avatar reaches Level 2, the Hammer icon appears, because the ability to use a Hammer to fix a fence will be unlocked.

Farming HUD level 2.png

Setting up the RLV folder

To enable the automated attachment/detachment of the tools by clicking the icons on the Farming HUD, follow these steps:

  1. Create a #NeedyHUD folder structure (under #RLV in Inventory) as per the picture on the right.

  2. Put the farming tools in the sub-folders as indicated in the picture.

  3. Check that your viewer's RLV mode is enabled. (For Firestorm, put a tick next to "RestrainedLove API" in the Advanced menu).

This makes it easier for you to equip your avatar with the tools with a touch of a button, without having to look for them in your inventory.

Selling produce


You can sell your harvested produce for N-coins if you choose not to consume it. Once you have unpacked the produce or transferred it to someone else, it can no longer be exchanged for N-coins.


  1. Talk to Isobelle (NPC trader) in Rainy City about selling your produce.

  2. Rez your produce on the crate (one item at a time).

  3. Click the crate.

  4. You will receive the number of N-coins as follows. Isobelle will also list the prices if you ask her about price. If your produce is of premium quality, it will fetch a higher price.

Standard Quality

  • Lettuce       : 2

  • Spinach       : 3

  • Sorrel        : 3

  • Beetroots (4) : 10

  • Carrots (4)   : 10

  • Strawberries  : 5

  • Potatoes      : 18

  • Figs          : 12

  • Lemons        : 16

  • Oranges       : 20

  • Avocados      : 20

Premium Quality

  • Lettuce           : 3

  • Spinach           : 5

  • Sorrel            : 5

  • Beetroots (4)     : 14

  • Carrots (4)       : 14

  • Pink Strawberries : 10

  • Potatoes          : 28

  • Figs              : 15

  • Lemons            : 22

  • Oranges           : 30

  • Avocados          : 30


Isobelle will buy your produce for N-coins

Note: Isobelle is capable of simple chit chat as well. If you want to chit chat to her, say "Isobelle" at the start of your sentence and face her so she knows you're talking to her. ​

Upgrading tools


You can upgrade the following tools at the Blacksmith's workshop to enhance their specifications (refer to tiles below).

  • Really Voluminous Watering Can

  • Really Dandy Rake

  • Really Dirty Hoe

Points to note

  • You can upgrade a Standard tool to +1 the first time. Subsequently, you can upgrade a +1 tool to +2, or a +2 tool to +3.

  • You will need to provide the blacksmith with the required mineral ore (see pictures on the right) and leave your tool there for 3 to 5 days.

  • You can buy the ore at the store.

  • You need to be at least Level 1 to use +1/+2/+3 tools.


  1. Talk to Gen (NPC blacksmith) in Rainy City about upgrading your Watering Can / Rake / Hoe.

  2. Rez your tool on his Appraising Table.

  3. Gen will tell you the ore that he needs to upgrade your tool. If you agree, click the Yes button in the dialog box.

  4. Right-click on his wooden chest, choose Edit and go to the Contents tab. Drag your tool and your ore inside.

  5. You should be informed in 3 to 5 days (RL) that it is ready.

  6. Go back to Gen's workshop to collect your tool.


Upgrade from Standard to +1



Upgrade from +1 to +2




Upgrade from +2 to +3

Standard Rake

Takes 10 rounds

to rake a Soil Plot (10% progress each round)

Minimum level: 0

+1 Rake

Takes 7 rounds
to rake a Soil Plot (15% progress each round)

Minimum level: 1

+2 Rake

Takes 5 rounds
to rake a Soil Plot (20% progress each round)

Minimum level: 1

+3 Rake

Takes 4 rounds
to rake a Soil Plot (25% progress each round)

Minimum level: 1

Standard Hoe

8 swings to remove

a row of weeds

Minimum level: 0

+1 Hoe

6 swings to remove

a row of weeds

Minimum level: 1

+2 Hoe

4 swings to remove
a row of weed

Minimum level: 1

+3 Hoe

2 swings to remove

a row of weeds

Minimum level: 1

Standard Watering Can

  • Delivers 2.5 litres per 5 sec

  • Capacity of 25 litres

  • Minimum level: 0

+1 Watering Can

  • Delivers 5 litres per 5 sec

  • Capacity of 50 litres

  • Minimum level: 1

+2 Watering Can

  • Delivers 10 litres per 5 sec

  • Capacity of 100 litres

  • Minimum level: 1

+3 Watering Can

  • Delivers 20 litres per 5 sec

  • Capacity of 200 litres

  • ​Minimum level: 1



For a library of articles about the game, including Experience Points required for each level, Difficulty modes, tools and more, please navigate to the Really Needy Farming Wiki.

Knowledge of the wiki information is not required to enjoy the game.

Ideas, suggestions and feedback

Idea 2
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