Really Needy HUD
for your Second Life
Conception is an add-on that is included in the Really Needy HUD v3.0 Lifestyle Edition Adult.
It is compatible with
Physics male genitalia
VAW male genitalia
Mama-Allpa male and female HUDs
For the Pregnancy add-on, please click here to jump below.
The design philosophy for the Really Needy Conception & Pregnancy add-ons is a mix of realistic detail (mimicking Real Life) and zany elements (only possible in Second Life). Both add-ons are related to the Procreation need.
The Conception add-on covers 4 stages of the mating game:
An optional stage to roleplay before Foreplay is Attraction / Flirtation / Seduction - see Pheromones for more information.
Unlike some other fertility HUDs, the Conception add-on allows both Males and Females to initiate copulation. (To change the gender setting on your HUD, just say /male or /female. There is no need to buy different HUDs).
The features for male and female avatars are listed in respective columns below.
Males will automatically detect Females (with the Conception add-on) in proximity; the Procreation icon will turn purple if a potential mate is detected.
When sufficiently aroused (default: Arousal level of 10%), a menu will pop-up to show the nearby Females which your male avatar can copulate with.
A copulation request will be sent to the chosen Female, who can choose to say Yes (accept) or No (decline).
If the Female accepts the copulation request from your avatar, the Procreation icon will turn red to indicate the HUD is in Copulation mode.
If your avatar ejaculates while in copulation mode with the Female, this is insemination.
Additional features
Withdraw before ejaculation to avoid insemination
Condoms to block insemination
Configure level of Arousal to ejaculate
Chance of conception (ie. becoming pregnant) depends on combination of male fertility and female fertility
Male fertility factors
Sperm motility - fitness level
Sperm count - body mass index, last time ejaculated
Alcohol/tobacco/drugs consumption
Females will automatically detect Males (with the Conception add-on) in proximity; the Procreation icon will turn purple if a potential mate is detected.
When sufficiently aroused (default: Arousal level of 10%), a menu will pop-up to show the nearby Males which your female avatar can copulate with.
Choose which Male your avatar wishes to copulate with.
The Male will receive a notification that your avatar has opened herself to him. The Procreation icon will turn red to indicate the HUD is in Copulation mode.
Additional features
Forced mode can be turned on so that Male's copulation request cannot be declined
If your avatar is very drunk, she cannot decline copulation requests
If the Male ejaculates while in copulation mode with your avatar, this is insemination.
Additional features
Contraceptive pill to block insemination
Femidom (female condom) to block insemination
Chance of conception (ie. becoming pregnant) depends on combination of male fertility and female fertility
Female fertility factors
Day of cycle
Fitness level
Alcohol/tobacco/drugs consumption
Arousal/orgasm bonus
If conception is successful, your avatar will not know immediately that she is pregnant. There may be certain signs as her Cycle progresses that things are a little different. If pregnancy is suspected, a pregnancy test may be taken. Eventually, your avatar will realise that she is pregnant, and the Pregnant icon on the HUD will light up. Read the section on Pregnancy for what happens next.
Say /24 in chat to summon the Conception Settings menu
Mate - use this to manually select a female nearby (with Conception add-on) to copulate with
- Withdraw - choose this if you intend to withdraw before ejaculation. If you choose too early, your avatar will forget to withdraw when he is in the throes of passion
- Ejaculation threshold - 100% is the default. Choose 60%, 70%, 80% or 90% for premature ejaculation (still has impregnation risk)
- Copulation threshold - Choose from 10% to 80%. You will be asked who your avatar wants to copulate with when your avatar reaches this Arousal level.
Say /24 in chat to summon the Conception Settings menu
Mate - use this to manually select a male nearby (with Conception add-on) to copulate with
- Stop - choose this to stop copulating
- DND (Do Not Disturb) - choose ON to auto-reply that your avatar is not available when she receives a copulation request. Choose OFF to ask (default).
- Forced - Choose ON to auto-accept copulation requests. Choose OFF to ask (default).
If there are no potential mates nearby, you may use this chat command "/24 simscan" to scan the region for Really Needy HUD users with Conception add-on.
Only users of opposite gender to your avatar will be listed. (You can set the gender for your avatar in the HUD by saying /male or /female)
The "Really Useful Fertility App" (sold separately) will allow you to turn on or off the Fertility Info for your male or female avatar reported by the Really Needy HUD.
The Fertility Info is OOC roleplay information which is shown in private chat message and marked with a 🛈 icon in the front of the message. It provides information on your fertility score (%), any modifiers to your fertility score due to changes to the fertility factors (described in section above) and the chance of pregnancy at the point of insemination.
Fertility Info excludes information about whether your avatar is pregnant.
The "Really Useful Fertility App" takes the form of a mobile phone that attaches to right-hand of your avatar, with two bento hold animations. The screen is a static image for roleplay purposes only.
Fertility mobile app
The "Really Thin Condom" is for use by male avatars, to be worn before copulation.
If your avatar wears it properly, there is a 88% chance it will block insemination.
If your avatar pretends to wear it properly (ie. intending to impregnate the female rather than prevent it), it will not block insemination, even though it will appear to his mate that he is wearing a condom.
A limited number of free condoms per weekend are available via the condom dispenser at the Pharmacy @ Rainy City.
Integration with Physics Cock condom feature
< NSFW image.
to reveal
Really Thin Condom
The "Really Thin Condom" has a special feature that integrates with The Physics Cock (v2.3), allowing the condom to appear automatically on the cock upon wearing.
Usage instructions (with Physics cock)
Add/wear the condom and it should attach to right hand
Click on it. A menu will pop-up asking if your avatar is intending to wear it properly.
Choose "Yes" to wear it properly, and "Pretend" to pretend to wear it properly. The condom should appear on the Physics Cock.
If your avatar does not have a Physics cock, not to worry. You can still enjoy the contraceptive function even though you will not be able to visually see the condom on your avatar's penis.
Usage instructions (WITHOUT Physics cock)
Add/wear the condom and it should attach to right hand
Click on the condom and HOLD your mouse button down for 3 seconds before letting go. A dialog menu will pop-up with the text "[NO PHYSICS COCK]", asking if your avatar is intending to wear the condom properly. If you did not see this text, then close the dialog and try again.
Choose "Yes" to wear it properly, and "Pretend" to pretend to wear it properly.
This is a female contraceptive to be inserted by the female into herself. (Copy permissions, re-usable).
It is 79% effective in blocking insemination.
The Really Needy HUD refers to Cervical Cap and Diaphragm generally as a "femidom" when inserted.
For more details on how they work, refer to this page.
The pill works by thinning the walls of the womb and preventing the sperm from joining with the egg.
The pill lasts for 5 SL days after consumption, so it is recommended to eat it on Day 10 of the Cycle.
The "Really Accurate Home Pregnancy Test Kit" (sold separately) is a pregnancy test your avatar can perform by herself at home without any physician. It is 99% accurate.
Check your avatar has some urine to pass. If Toilet meter is 100%, there is no urine to pass; wait till it goes lower.
Right-click on the test kit in inventory and choose Add. It should attach to right-hand.
Click on the test kit to remove the overcap and expose the sampling tip. (The overcap is pink in colour).
Sit on your toilet and urinate on the sampling tip of the test kit. (Say /use in chat and sit on your toilet, as per what your avatar does normally to relieve Toilet meter.)
After the wait period (30 seconds), the test window of the kit will display either one line or two lines.
Single line (also known as Control Line) indicates the test is working correctly and your avatar is not pregnant.
Double lines indicate the test is working correctly and your avatar is pregnant.
No line means the test was not performed correctly.
If your avatar is a doctor or physician, this bag (sold separately) will allow your avatar to do the following for other avatars
[1] Fertility test (target must have Conception add-on)
[2] Pregnancy test (target must have Conception add-on)
[3] Set pregnancy duration (target must have Pregnancy add-on) - 10 SL days NEW, 10 SL weeks (default), or 10 SL months
[4] Check expected delivery date (target must have Pregnancy add-on) - only works when delivery date is close by 🚼
[5] Check baby gender (target must have Pregnancy add-on) NEW 🚼
[6] Set labour duration (target must have Pregnancy add-on) NEW 🚼
[7] Check avatar weight (target must have Blood Alcohol Content add-on)
[8] Set avatar weight (target must have Blood Alcohol Content add-on)
[9] Treat priapism (target is male and has prolonged painful erection due to overdosing on aphrodisiac) -
The target avatar will be asked by the bag to provide consent for the chosen menu option.
NEW are features in Version 2.
🚼 Requires Growth Evolution Baby. Otherwise this feature only works if baby's mother and Bag owner are the same avatar.
AVSitter2-ready furniture can be configured to auto-confirm copulation (based on pre-defined list of couple animations) without going through the copulation request process or choosing who your avatar wishes to copulate with.
Making your AVSitter2 furniture enabled with Auto-Copulation only requires the addition of a Auto-Copulate script.
The script source-code is provided free of charge if you are able to self-service to install it yourself in your furniture and input the names of the selected animations (where vaginal intercourse is involved) into the script.
If you require help with the above, a 300L fee is payable for customising a script for you (no mod, yes copy, no transfer). You will be required to provide the AVPos card and the names of the selected animations. The script will be sent to you.
Adult furniture makers may contact me to get the logo to show your product is Auto-Copulation ready.
Please provide landmark to your in-world store and link to your MP store.
You can integrate the source code with your existing scripts for your furniture instead of having to add one more script.
Your store will be added to this directory of furniture makers with Auto-Copulation enabled furniture so that Really Needy HUD users can find your store easily.
For Auto-Copulation enabled furniture, users also have the option of adding Auto-Arousal - this makes the Arousal meter of your avatar to increase steadily without having to use the Really Erogenous Zones or clicking the Arousal icon manually.
- If copulation animations are selected on the furniture with both Sitter0 and Sitter1 seated, their Arousal meters will increase at a rate of 3% every 10 seconds.
If foreplay animations are selected on the furniture with both Sitter0 and Sitter1 seated, their Arousal meters will increase at a rate of 3% every 20 seconds.
The default rate of 3% can be changed by the furniture owner via the configuration notecard.
Setting up which animations are categorised as 'copulation' and which animations are 'foreplay' is done through the Auto-Copulation script.
Requirement: A [SEX] script (sold separately) and configuration notecard needs to be put into the Contents of the furniture, for Auto-Arousal feature to work. Your furniture must also be already setup with Auto-Copulation (read above).
Cross-insemination between Mama Allpa (MA) and Really Needy HUDs is supported with the Conception add-on.
A male with Mama-Allpa HUD is able to inseminate a female with Really Needy HUD
Either male or female can initiate Copulation mode with Really Needy HUD, OR female can open herself to the male using MA HUD
When male selects 'cum in vagina' with MA HUD, the female Really Needy HUD will detect the insemination
Male wearing MA HUD (Really Needy HUD optional)
Female wearing MA HUD and Really Needy HUD
If the male is not wearing Really Needy HUD, a fertility score of 50% is used for calculating pregnancy chance
A male with Really Needy HUD is able to inseminate a female with Mama-Allpa HUD
Either female or male can initiate copulation using Really Needy HUD
When male ejaculates with Really Needy HUD, the female MA HUD will receive a 'cum in vagina' event
Male wearing Really Needy HUD (MA HUD optional)
Female wearing MA HUD and Really Needy HUD
The Really Needy HUD can interact with the INM system of your female avatar. She will need to wear the "Really Needy HUD relay for Mama-Allpa and INM v3" (sold separately, shown in pic below).
The features are as follows.
If your female avatar is in Copulation mode with a male, and she receives "cum in pussy" via the INM system, the Conception add-on will detect this event as insemination.
If she receives cum in or on other parts of the body via INM, this is not insemination but it will decrease her Hygiene by 10% for each cum-load.
She can use a INM shower or the Really Luxurious Shower Cabin with INM cleanup to restore Hygiene to 100%.
Integration with the condom feature of The P has been described in section above.
If your male avatar is in Copulation mode with a female, pressing the Cum button on the Animation HUD for The P will result in ejaculation as well as insemination.
If your male avatar is in Copulation mode with a female, pressing the Cum button on the VAW XTC Cock HUD will result in ejaculation as well as insemination.
If you have any feedback or suggestions on the Conception add-on, feel free to leave a message via the box at the bottom of this page or contact me for an invite to join our Discord server.
Buy the Conception add-on on Marketplace
Note: The Conception add-on is included when you buy the Really Needy HUD Lifestyle Edition Adult at my in-world store.
The Pregnancy add-on covers the following stages of roleplay experience, after Conception:
Pregnancy first trimester
Pregnancy second trimester
Pregnancy third trimester
The Really Needy HUD pregnancy has a default duration of 10 SL weeks. Your avatar's unborn baby will grow the equivalent of 1 month of a RL baby in a span of 1 SL week. (1 SL day = 4 RL hours, so 1 SL week is 28 RL hours if you do not log off).
It is possible to change the pregnancy duration to 10 SL months or 10 SL days using the Physician Bag.
Note: If you don't like 10 SL weeks or 10 SL months or 10 SL days, Mama Allpa users have one more option - you can try using the 'Really Needy HUD relay for Mama Allpa' (v3) to synchronise the Really Needy HUD's cycle to your Mama Allpa's cycle.
1. Chance of developing pregnancy conditions
nausea / vomiting
nose bleeds*
Urinary / Reproductive
vaginal discharge
breast tenderness^
stretch marks*
varicose veins*
2. Automatic changes to avatar shape and skin (month by month)
areola darkening* and bumps*
breast veins* (trimester 1, trimester 2, trimester 3)
user-defined changes in avatar shape and skin (chubby belly and linea nigra)
3. Mesh pregnant belly integration
4. Mesh unborn baby + effects on mommy
baby automatically growing in size in mommy's tummy
baby interactions
mood swings
5. Labour
6. Support for lactation features to be developed in the future
* Including automatically activating BOM tattoo layers created by Izzie's.
^ Including integration to Good Moaning Boobs Rubber.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to contact me for an invite to join our Discord server.
1. Pregnancy conditions
Depending on which trimester/month of the pregnancy your avatar is in, there is a higher or lower random probability of developing a pregnancy-related medical condition. These are the conditions which have a relatively higher probability to occur, by trimester:
Trimester 1: bloating, nausea, rhinitis, acne, breast tenderness
Trimester 2: bloating, nausea, heartburn, constipation, nose bleed, rhinitis, acne
Trimester 3: bloating, insomnia, varicose veins
Once your avatar develops the condition, the condition could worsen unless she takes certain actions to remedy them.
Some conditions can also be triggered by specific actions taken by your avatar (eg. aversions to particular foods eaten) or not taking care of certain needs (eg. not drinking enough water or going hungry).
In collaboration with leading cosmetics brand Izzie's (very popular for realistic skin imperfections), the following conditions will also trigger BOM layers to be automatically applied on your avatar:
Acne - face and body
Insomnia - face (dark eye circles)
Nose bleed - face
Rhinitis - face (runny nose / red nose)
Stretch marks - body (breasts, abdomen, lower body)
Varicose veins - body (legs)
Lelutka Evo X versions are included for face.
Burping, flatulence, bad mood (facial expressions)
Drinking water, probiotics, peppermint tea, green bananas, exercise
Random, eating particular foods (citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee etc.)
Pain in chest, GERD
Ginger tea, pineapple, probiotics, honey milk
Breast Tenderness
Random, touch
Pain, loss of arousal
Hot compress
Nose bleed
Random, teleportation, flying
Nose bleed (BOM layer)
Hot shower, Vitamin C supplement, fruits with high Vitamin C (pomelo, mikan, kiwifruit, pink strawberries, premium oranges, lemons)
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks appearing on tummy, breasts, butt and thighs (BOM layers), itchiness
Stretch mark cream, [coconut oil massage]
Random, caffeinated drinks
Resting does not restore Energy, eye-bags (BOM layers)
Sleeping pill, orgasm, honey milk
Vaginal discharge
Random, low hygiene
Discharge causing drop in Hygiene (unless wearing tampon/pad)
Probiotics, green bananas, [fenugreek seed tea]
Random, smell/taste (aversions), eating too much
Feeling sick, vomiting, hyper-emesis
Ginger tea, vitamin B6, green bananas, avocados, bed rest, anti-sickness meds
Random, [standing for too long], hungry, thirst, insufficient iron, [heat],
Dizziness, vertigo
Iron supplement, ginger tea*, almond milk*, honey milk*, Vitamin C supplement, fruits with high Vitamin C (pomelo, mikan, kiwifruit, pink strawberries, premium oranges, lemons)
Sneezing, red / runny nose (BOM layers)
Anti-histamine, hot shower, sleeping pill
Random, low hygiene
Acne appearing on face / body (BOM layers)
Acne cream, [facial]
Random, sneezing, laughing, filled bladder
Loss of bladder control
Peeing, [Kegel exercises]
Random, insufficient hydration, excessive iron
Pain, health damage
Fibre from fruits (dragonfruit, pomegranate, avocado), probiotics, lots of fluids, exercise, laxative
Varicose veins
Random, [Standing for too long]
Veins appearing on the legs (BOM layer)
Vitamin C supplement, fruits with high Vitamin C (pomelo, mikan, kiwifruit, pink strawberries, premium oranges, lemons), [leg elevation], [compression stockings]
1. Items in [square brackets] above have not been implemented yet.
2. Items marked with * above requires Pregnancy add-on v2.0 for the remedy to work for the condition.
TIP: If your avatar is pregnant, the consumption rate for ENERGY is twice as fast as normal. If your avatar is well-hydrated (Thirst >70%) and has sufficient iron though, your avatar will not feel fatigued as easily (ENERGY consumption rate will go back to normal). This is a basic feature that has been in earlier versions of the HUD, and does not require the Pregnancy add-on.
2. Automatic changes to avatar body
Automatic changes in avatar shape
You can setup how your avatar's body shape will change over the course of her pregnancy, for each month*.
The Pregnancy add-on will automatically wear the shapes based on the month*.
Your viewer needs to be RLVa-enabled.
Sub-folders need to be created inside the Body folder for each month*
You will need to make/edit the avatar shapes and put into each sub-folder in advance.
Some suggestions here for the Edit Shape sliders, but feel free to use what visually makes sense for your avatar:
Increase Breast Size slightly in each Trimester (eg. by 5 to 10)
Increase Body Fat in Trimester 2 (eg. by 5) and Trimester 3 (eg. by another 5)
Increase Love Handles slightly each month from Month 3 onwards
Increase Butt Size and Saddle Bags from Month 5 onwards
* If your avatar's pregnancy duration is the default 10 SL weeks, then each 'month' will actually be 1 SL week. For ease of explanation, 'month' in this section refers to the equivalent of one month in RL pregnancy.
Automatic changes in avatar skin (in collaboration with leading cosmetics brand Izzie's)
Your avatar's areola, breasts and belly may change in appearance over the duration of the pregnancy.
You can customise how dark the areola looks or how prominent the breast veins are by choosing the version of the BOM layer you like and copying them into the relevant folder.
Month 3
10% chance (per SL day) that your avatar will develop
Darkened areola & areola bumps (Montgomery glands)
20% chance (per SL day) that your avatar will develop
Breast veins - Trimester 1
Month 5
20% chance (per SL day) that your avatar will develop
Breast veins - Trimester 2
Month 8
20% chance (per SL day) that your avatar will develop
Breast veins - Trimester 3
User-defined Month
You can choose which month to apply the 'pregnancy belly' and 'pregnancy line' skin effects on your avatar by copying the layer into the relevant folder
For example, M2 or M3 onwards for pregnancy belly and M7 onwards for both pregnancy belly + line
The pregnancy line, also known as the Linea Nigra, is a dark vertical line that appears on the skin of the stomach during pregnancy. It runs from the belly button to the pubic area. Not all women will develop this.
Breast veins
Darkened areola & areola bumps
Pregnancy line (Linea Nigra)
3. Mesh pregnant belly integration
If you have a pregnancy mesh belly or baby bump which is modifiable and copy, you may save a version with different size in each folder from M2 to M9.
For example, I have the Pregnant Belly v3.01 for Maitreya from Chrysanthemum, and it comes with a HUD for setting a size for each of the 9 months.
I then saved each version in the respective month's folder together with the shape.
In that way, the pregnant belly of the appropriate size is also worn automatically together with the avatar shape, as the pregnancy progresses to each month.
If you are a maker of pregnant mesh bellies, please approach me to explore the possibility to have a communication channel between the Really Needy HUD Pregnancy Add-on with your mesh belly so that the size can automatically adjust based on the month of pregnancy.
If you are a Really Needy HUD user, please post in the Discord server regarding which brand mesh belly you use. If we have enough customers of particular brand, we can lobby the brand owner to explore cross-product compatibility.
4. Mesh unborn baby + effects on mommy
Your avatar may not realise that she is pregnant until she misses her period (unless she takes a pregnancy test).
When she realises, the pink pregnancy icon on the HUD will light up.
At that point of time, the unborn baby (in the Baby sub-folder under Pregnancy folder) will be automatically attached to the Stomach.
The baby will automatically grow in size day-by-day.
Your avatar can interact with the baby.
The baby will cause your avatar to have cravings and mood swings.
The Pregnancy add-on includes a standard "unborn baby" with 2 mesh growth stages.
Early stage fetus
Unborn baby
NEW Check out the Growth Evolution Baby below for more realism and roleplay options.
Baby Skin Tone Picker
A skin tone picker HUD will be provided so that you may pick a skin tone for the unborn baby closer to your avatar or her partner, if you wish. Note that in RL, the skin of newborn babies tends to have a dark red or purplish color regardless of race. The mesh model of the baby has specular highlights which are purplish.
From the second trimester onwards, click on the baby to interact with it to develop a bond between your avatar and the baby.
Once or twice a SL day is more than enough; regular interactions is good but it is also ok to skip days.
If the baby is sleeping, try again later.
If the baby is not sleeping, any reaction or response is a successful interaction. After a successful interaction, there is a 'time-out' for a short interval before you can interact again (baby will ignore you if you click again).
The bond is a telepathic link to know what the baby is feeling or doing. After about 10 to 20 days of interaction, the baby may let mommy know if it likes the flavour of certain things consumed. The stronger the bond, the more emotes are unlocked including: reactions to laughter, arousal and orgasm; telling mommy when is the expected delivery day.
The gender of the baby can also be influenced based on what your avatar eats - watch the video above to find out.
If you have suggestions for this feature, please post in the Discord channel #idea-bank. Or use the feedback form below.
Your avatar may develop cravings around the latter part of the first trimester and throughout the second trimester.
(Week 3 to 6 for duration of 10-week SL pregnancy).
If she satisfies each craving, she will only experience a maximum of 5 cravings during one SL pregnancy.
She will only have maximum of 1 craving at any one time (or none).
Craving intensity levels will progress from Low to Strong to Intense if not satisfied.
The progression from Low to Strong is within an hour (random).
The progression from Strong to Intense is within half an hour (random).
If a craving is not satisfied by the time it reaches Intense level, she will have a Bad Mood and start to frown (a facial animation will be activated for Lelutka EvoX heads, showing her dissatisfaction).
If the craving is ignored, eventually it goes away or may be replaced by another craving.
There is an equal chance (randomly determined) to develop cravings for one of the 30 items listed in orange below.
The first 28 items are items to be consumed in order to satisfy the craving.
To satisfy the SEX craving, your avatar needs to reach an Arousal level of at least 50%.
To satisfy the ORGASM craving, your avatar needs to reach an Arousal level of 100% (ie. orgasm).
Note: Cravings is an optional feature for your avatar's pregnancy. You can choose not to install this feature when installing the Pregnancy add-on.
Savory high-calorie foods
Red meat / animal protein
Cold foods / sweet high-calorie dairy
Sour foods
Spicy Food
High-calorie sugary foods
Non-food craving
Note: Some of these items may not exist in the Really Needy economy yet as a consumable. You are welcome to make your own for your own use or to sell to other users.
Proximity to and consumption of certain foods will trigger Nausea.
Consumption of certain foods will trigger Heartburn, Bloating or Insomnia.
The default installer has Aversions for 28 items. If your avatar is in the second trimester and you are feeling brave or loving the aversions, you can request me to give you the installer for Aversions for 44 items.
Note: Aversions is an optional feature for your avatar's pregnancy. You can choose not to install this feature when installing the Pregnancy add-on
Your avatar has a chance of experiencing a Mood Swing each SL day, in certain weeks of her 10-week pregnancy:
- 5% in Week 3 and 4
- 10% in Week 5, 6 and 7
- 20% in Week 8, 9 and 10
The 5 basic moods are: Happy, Anxious, Emotional, Irritable, Annoyed
Each mood is accompanied by a facial animation (Lelutka EvoX head required)
One mood may switch to another swiftly ranging from within a few minutes to several minutes
The 3 extra moods are: Baby Brain, Honeymoon Phase, and Power Nesting
These moods require a bit more roleplay on your part - this article might help.
Baby Brain - Progesterone is at sky-high levels during early pregnancy. While it is a calming hormone, it can also cause fogginess and forgetfulness. Your avatar might make mistakes like watering an artificial plant, or giving cat-food to the dog.
Honeymoon Phase - This mood is unlocked in the second trimester. After a difficult first trimester, your avatar might be cruising into the second, feeling like she got a handle on the various pregnancy conditions. Her baby bump is much more noticeable now, and she feels like a celebrity. She may feel more perky, and possibly horny in weird timings.
Power Nesting - This mood is unlocked in the third trimester. Due to an increase of oxytocin, the nesting hormone that prepares your avatar's uterus for labour and her breasts for nursing, she has a powerful urge to get everything cleaned, organised, and prepared for the baby's arrival.
There is also a Bad Mood, which may be triggered by
Not satisfying an intense craving
Hunger / Energy / Hygiene needs falling below 50%
Note: Moods is an optional feature for your avatar's pregnancy. You can choose not to install this feature when installing the Pregnancy add-on.
5. Labour
(Updated in Pregnancy add-on version 1.1)
What to expect (Mouse-over box to reveal spoilers)
On the day that your avatar is going to give birth, her water will break (Really Wet Pussy required for puddle).
15 minutes after that, the labour starts, so you have a short period of time to get your avatar to the hospital or to call your mid-wife / doctor / partner.
First stage of labour starts from contractions to full cervix dilation.
The simulation includes emotes, facial expressions on your avatar (Lelutka Evo-X head required) and the baby moving down the birth canal.
Second stage of labour starts from full cervix dilation till delivery of baby.
The simulation includes emotes, facial expressions on your avatar (Lelutka Evo-X head required) and the baby being born.
Once the baby is born, the pregnancy icon on your Really Needy HUD should turn off.
Note that if you are using Mama Allpa to over-ride the pregnancy duration of the Really Needy HUD, you should update the pregnancy condition in Mama Allpa to not pregnant, or else detach your relay, or detach your Mama Allpa. Otherwise the relay will make your Really Needy HUD status as pregnant again the next time it checks the status of your Mama Allpa.
Third stage of labour is the delivery of the placenta.
The simulation includes emotes and facial expressions on your avatar (Lelutka Evo-X head required).
The completion of stage 3 will cause your avatar's body to revert back to baseline shape (if you have setup the folders). If you simply detach the 'unborn baby' in inventory after stage 2 without completing stage 3, your avatar's shape / tummy may still look pregnant.
Default labour duration is 25 minutes (15 min for stage 1 and 2; 10 min for stage 3). That's pretty quick, so if you would to roleplay out this part of the pregnancy a little longer, you can extend it before delivery date. The Really Useful Physician Bag v2 can extend the labour duration from 25 minutes to 40 minutes or 60 minutes.
If you would like to skip stage 3 of labour, detach the 'unborn baby' in inventory (after stage 2), and add it again. It should skip forward to the part where your placenta has already been delivered and allow you to complete stage 3.
6. Lactation features in the future
Got milk?
(If you have any suggestions for this future feature, feel free to send me a private message or post in Discord.)
Buy the Pregnancy add-on on Marketplace
See the demo and buy the Growth Evolution Baby in-world
The Growth Evolution Baby is a replacement for the standard baby in the Pregnancy add-on for even greater realism.
5 mesh growth stages from fetus to full-term baby
Works with Physician Bag (v2 and above) owned by others to detect expected date of delivery and gender
Support for enhanced labour options for roleplay with qualified Physicians (induction, pausing/resuming labour)
4 skin tones
Related Items - Meds, Supplements, Fruits
These are pictures of some items mentioned above.
Affiliate Pharmacies
Urban roleplay
Urban roleplay
Urban roleplay
Urban roleplay
Applying to be an affiliate pharmacy
If you operate a pharmacy, maternity centre, clinic or hospital (for roleplay) and are interested to become an affiliate by distributing pregnancy-related items for the Really Needy HUD, please contact me with a landmark to your location to apply.
Successful applicants will be required to pay a one-time 500L fee for affiliate vendor setup.
Affiliates will earn 15% of each sale if the affiliate vendor (Caspervend) is rezzed by me.
Affiliates will earn 12% of each sale if the affiliate vendor (Caspervend) is rezzed by the affiliate.
The following products are currently available: Probiotics, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Fertility Drug for Men, Fertility Drug for Women, Pregnancy Test Kit, Stretch Mark Cream, Acne Cream, Contraceptive Pills, Anti-Sickness Pills, Sleeping Pills, Laxative, Breast Compression Pads, Tampons, Anti-Ebriation Pills, Iron Supplement. More items will be added in due course.
The vendor type is 'headless vendor' for the abovementioned products. Shown on counter-top in picture below.
Affiliates have the option to be listed on this webpage section with the name of your business, an image and SLurl to your location
Listing fee is 600L. If your location is delisted, you will have to apply again to be listed.
Your location will be delisted if the vendors cannot be found within 25m of the landing point by taking the SLurl.
If your landmark or SLurl leads to a different landing point than that of your pharmacy / clinic location (due to sim teleport routing), your application will be declined / your location may be delisted.
An affiliate pharmacy just means the location has approved to be setup with vendors that sell products relating to the Really Needy HUD.
It does not mean that the owner or staff have the Pharmacist or Physician tag in the group, or possess the requisite knowledge to provide advice regarding the usage of the products.
If you are a Really Needy HUD user with Disease/Conception/Pregnancy add-ons and need advice (ROLEPLAY ONLY) on Needy medications, supplements or pregnancy-related products, you may choose to contact Pharmacists/Physicians in the Really Needy Roleplay group, at your own discretion. They are also users / roleplayers and are not licensed nor employed by the HUD creator.
For customer service or help with the HUD, you are welcome to contact creator directly in-world.
Users can submit a job application for Pharmacist or Physician if you wish to roleplay as Pharmacist or Physician. A knowledge test will be required and if you pass you will be assigned the tag for Pharmacist or Physician in the Really Needy Roleplay group.